Can I Do Sands of Inaros Again

Passive [ ]

Resurrect the undying king of the desert with the decease of his foes. On fatal injury and entering Bleedout, InarosIcon272.pngInaros enters an immobile Sarcophagus. Within his tomb, target an enemy or ally on the aiming reticle (default LMB ) to release a beam that continuously inflicts 75 DmgTrueSmall64.pngTruthful damage per tick and siphon hitpoints from them, gradually filling his revive meter to allow Inaros to rise again. Alternatively, allies may manually revive Inaros by interacting with his Sarcophagus.

Killing enemies with melee Finishers restores 20% of Inaros' maximum Health.

  • This does non apply to Basis Finishers or the Parazon Mercy finishers.
  • Health restore is non afflicted by mods.
  • Inaros can reliably trigger melee finisher prompts past casting Desiccation130xDark.pngDesiccation .

Unlike most frames, when Inaros ranks upward he receives a special set of rank bonuses which are indicated at the superlative-left of the Warframe Upgrade screen:

  • +15% / +xxx% / +45% / +threescore% / +75% / +90% / +105% / +120% / +135% / +150% Health at ranks one / 4 / vii / ten / 13 / sixteen / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 respectively.
  • +15% / +30% / +45% / +sixty% / +75% / +90% / +105% / +120% / +135% / +150% Health at ranks 2 / 5 / 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20 / 23 / 26 / 29 respectively.
  • +5% / +10% / +xv% / +twenty% / +25% / +30% / +35% / +twoscore% / +45% / +fifty% Energy capacity at ranks 3 / half-dozen / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 / 21 / 24 / 27 / xxx respectively.

This results in a full of +300% Health and +l% Energy capacity by Rank 30.

Abilities [ ]

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Desiccate.png DesiccationIcon.png
Smash enemies with a wave of cursed sand that blinds them and steals their health.
Forcefulness: 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (initial DmgTrueSmall64.pngTrue harm)
two / 4 / half dozen / 8 ( DmgTrueSmall64.pngTrue damage/sec)
Duration: iii / 5 / 6 / 8 south
Range: 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 k
Misc: 100 % (stagger on hit)
25 % (lifesteal)
Subsumable to Helminth



Principal article: Desiccation's Expletive

Desiccation's Curse is a Warframe Augment Mod for InarosIcon272.pngInaros ' Desiccation130xDark.pngDesiccation power that has a chance to summon a Sand Shadow when killing a blinded enemy with a finisher. Likewise passively increases all Sand Shadow's impairment by 2x.

Rank Sand Shadow Chance Price
0 35% 6
1 fifty% seven
2 70% 8
3 100% 9

Tips & Tricks

  • Dessication provides an easy mode for Inaros to bargain melee finishers, assuasive him to apace regenerate his health when performed on a crowd.
  • Against certain types of enemies, namely Infested or MOAs, melee finisher is only triggerable from the dorsum of the enemy. Blind them from the front end, then execute the finisher attack from their back.


Devour.png DevourIcon.png
Concord ability to trap target in quicksand and describe them in for devouring; this steals health and ultimately creates a friendly Sand Shadow.
Strength: 50-100 / 100-200 / 150-300 / 250-500 ( DmgTrueSmall64.pngTrue impairment per second)
Duration: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 s (quicksand)
≥ 15 southward (Sand Shadow)
Range: twenty / 30 / 40 / 50 m (cast and tether range)
Misc: 2 southward (impairment ramp-up)
10 (harm ticks per second)
Heals 400 health per 2nd


  • Inaros sinks an enemy target within 20 / 30 / xl / fifty meters into quicksand for fifteen / 20 / 25 / 30 seconds, trapping information technology in place every bit information technology flails in panic becoming unable to movement, attack, or use special abilities. While enemies are trapped, Inaros or whatever allies can perform the 'Devour' action on them by holding down the Collaborate key (default 10 ); when devouring an enemy, the player (but not whatsoever companions) is completely invulnerable to harm and Status Effects every bit Shields and Health are restored at a rate of 400 health per second, while also inflicting DmgTrueSmall64.pngTrue damage per second to the victim. During the Devour activity, the victim initially receives 50 / 100 / 150 / 250 damage per second, that ramps up to 100 / 200 / 300 / 500 impairment per second over 2 seconds; damage is dealt in 10 ticks per second.
    • Bandage range is affected by Ability Range.
    • Quicksand elapsing is afflicted past Power Duration.
    • Initial and max damage per second are afflicted by Ability Forcefulness.
    • Healing is independent of impairment dealt. Inaros cannot increase the amount of healing received by amplifying the impairment his target takes, and attacking enemies with increased damage resistance volition yield the same corporeality of healing.
    • Damage ramp-up fourth dimension and corporeality of harm ticks are not affected by mods.
    • Enemies are unable to act while being actively devoured even if the ability's timer has expired.
    • The act of devouring a trapped enemy does not consume energy whether from Inaros or allies and can exist sustained indefinitely for as long equally the Employ key is held, or the enemy expires.
    • The enemy beingness devoured by a histrion is invulnerable to outside sources of damage while the Utilize key is held.
    • Kavats, Kubrows, and MOA companions will also gain the benefit of the life steal. Sentinels will not.
  • If an enemy is killed past being devoured by Inaros, a Sand Shadow is created, which is a friendly copy of the unit killed that will fight alongside Inaros. Sand Shadows last for a duration equal to the time spent devouring them, or a minimum of 15 seconds.
    • Sand Shadow elapsing is afflicted by Ability Duration.
  • If cast on an enemy target by holding down the ability key (default 2 ), Inaros latches energy tethers onto the enemy from up to 20 / 30 / 40 / fifty meters abroad, dragging it towards him and automatically devouring it upon making contact so long as the fundamental is held.
  • Ability Synergy: Enemies trapped by Devour will automatically restore health to Inaros and create a Sand Shadow on death when killed within Sandstorm130xDark.pngSandstorm .
  • Devour cannot be cast on naturally flying enemies like Ospreys and Orokin Drones. Units that only accept temporary flight abilities though like Hellions can still be pulled from mid-air and then devoured once on the ground.
  • Bandage delay of ane 2d is afflicted by Mod TT 20px.pngNatural Talent and Mod TT 20px.pngSpeed Drift , while devour recovery filibuster of two seconds is non. Casting volition interrupt move.
    • If the target dies earlier Inaros finishes his casting blitheness, free energy used for Devour will be refunded; yet, if the target is already trapped in quicksand and is being dragged in by the tether, it will not refund energy if killed during travel.
  • Cannot be recast on affected targets.
  • Ancient Disruptors will resist the ability heavily, causing only ane impairment per tick to occur, which volition often cause the bug listed below. The aforementioned goes for Infested allies that are linked to the Disruptor.

Tips & Tricks

  • If InarosIcon272.pngInaros consumes a Boiler, the Boiler will become a Sand Shadow as normal, and the spawn pods created when information technology dies will not spawn allied units while the Shadow's will. Similarly, Brood Mother Sand Shadows will spawn friendly maggots on death.
  • Bugs

  • Inaros may become stuck in the devour animation, unable to movement or cancel the ability until the enemy is killed. Pressing escape will force the player out of the animation although this is exploitable, as you volition go on to gain wellness from the enemy and you can use high powered weapons to impale the enemy, guaranteeing that a Sand Shadow volition form.
  • Expand/Collapse

    Sandstorm.png SandstormIcon.png
    Free energy:
    Become a whirling spiral of sand that sends enemies flying and devours those trapped in quicksand.

    Energy Drain: ten s-1

    Strength: 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 ( DmgSlashSmall64.pngSlash damage/sec)
    Elapsing: N/A
    Range: 4 / v / 6 / 7.v m (radius)
    Misc: ? % ( DmgSlashSmall64.pngSlash status chance)
    0.2 / 0.3 / 0.4 / 0.5 x (move speed multiplier)
    0.viii / 0.7 / 0.6 / 0.five x (harm reduction multiplier)
    100% (take chances to Devour enemies)


    • Inaros spins speedily and sweeps across the country every bit a storm of dust and sand, pulling in and violently lifting all enemies within a iv / 5 / half dozen / vii.5 meters radius and dealing 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 DmgSlashSmall64.pngSlash impairment per second with a ?% status take chances. Lifted enemies cannot motion or attack while trapped within the storm, as they gradually fling most wildly in a ragdolled state, following the storm'southward menstruum and rise high into the air. While channeling the tempest, Inaros himself is unable to assail with weapons or bandage other abilities, perform Parkour Maneuvers, nor collect Pickups. During Sandstorm, Inaros' movement speed is slowed by 0.two / 0.3 / 0.4 / 0.5 times his base speed, while incoming enemy damage dealt to Inaros is reduced to 0.8 / / / 0.5 times their impairment.
      • Damage per second is affected by Ability Forcefulness and TheoremDemulcent64x.pngTheorem Demulcent .
      • Radius is affected by Power Range.
      • Status gamble, move speed and damage reduction multipliers are not affected by mods.
      • Sandstorm pulls in nearby pickups for piece of cake drove in one case the ability is deactivated.
      • Inaros' vertical camera movement is heavily restricted during Sandstorm.
      • Sandstorm's radius is an invisible cylinder with roughly the top of Inaros himself. Enemies on a terrain elevation higher or lower than this cylinder volition not exist afflicted by this ability.
    • Sandstorm is a channeled ability that consumes ten energy per second while active. This ability will remain active until the ability key is pressed again (default iii ), or Inaros' energy is depleted. Sandstorm besides has an initial casting toll of 75 free energy. Lifted enemies are flung away at high speed once Sandstorm is deactivated.
    • Ability Synergy: Enemies trapped by Devour130xDark.pngDevour while within Sandstorm volition grant Inaros healing and create a Sand Shadow on successful kill.
    • Activation and deactivation delays of i.5 seconds are affected past Mod TT 20px.pngNatural Talent and Mod TT 20px.pngSpeed Migrate . Toggling volition interrupt movement.



    Main article: Elemental Sandstorm

    Elemental Sandstorm is a Warframe Broaden Mod for InarosIcon272.pngInaros that causes Sandstorm130xDark.pngSandstorm to inflict status procs based on equipped damage types and mods on melee weapons currently wielded. Besides passively increases Sandstorm's Power Range past 50%.

    Rank Status chance Price
    0 50% 6
    1 threescore% 7
    two 80% viii
    three 100% 9


    • If a Commander teleports with an Inaros in Sandstorm, the Inaros volition no longer spin. This is only a visual bug and does not touch move speed.
    • The actual range is only one-half the listed amount. This may be a typo on the in-game skill description that DE has however to address.


    ScarabSwarm.png ScarabSwarmIcon.png
    Scarab Swarm
    Charge to transform health into hardened scarab armor. Discharge to boom enemies with a scarab swarm; survivors have their health drained and bestowed on allies.

    Energy Cost to Charge: 0
    Health Drain per Armor Percent: 29 HP
    Scarab Armor Cost per Cast: 25%

    Strength: 100 / 150 / 175 / 200 ( DmgCorrosiveSmall64.pngCorrosive damage/sec)
    Duration: half dozen / 10 / 12 / 15 south (swarm duration)
    Range: 20 / 22 / 25 / 30 m (cast range)
    6 / 10 / 12 / 15 grand (heal radius)
    Misc: 2,900 HP (total health toll)
    2 HP (min. health threshold)
    100% (armor bonus cap)
    ∞ (armor bonus duration)
    five chiliad (spread radius)
    100% (spread remaining duration)


    • Inaros stands still to summon the desert sands and sacred scarabs, offering his Health as a sacrifice to gain Scarab Armor, which permanently increases his base armor by up to 100%. While property downward the ability cardinal (default 4 ), Inaros loses 29 wellness points for every 1% of converted additional bonus armor, for a total of ii,900 health lost to fully charge the armor. Inaros will go along in the animation until releasing the ability key or Inaros merely has 2 points of health left; health drain volition stop once the bonus armor has reached 100%.
      • All Scarab Armor values are non affected by mods.
      • The armor bonus is additive to armor mods; with a fully charged Scarab Armor (100%) and a maxed rank Mod TT 20px.pngSteel Cobweb , Inaros will have a total armor value of:
        225 × (ane + 100% + 110%) = 697.5
      • Charging Scarab Armor causes Inaros to lose all momentum, except when aim gliding.
      • Inaros is immune to stagger, knockback, and knockdown effects while charging Scarab Armor.
      • The current bonus armor value is displayed on the ability icon and also beside Inaros' health indicator.
      • Scarab Armor lasts indefinitely until partially or entirely removed by casting a swarm projectile, inbound a Nullifier bubble, moving too close to a Comba or Scrambus, by being dispelled, or falling into a pit. Scarab Armor bonus can not be removed by enemy weapons fire.
      • When Scarab Armor is dispelled, all health previously converted into armor is instantly refunded to Inaros, provided his wellness is not at maximum value.
    • While Scarab Armor is at or above 25% and an enemy target is most the aiming reticle, tapping the ability key (default four ) causes Inaros to consume 25 energy and 25% of his full armor bonus to launch a swarm of scarabs that travels up to 20 / 22 / 25 / 30 meters abroad.
      • Energy price is affected by Power Efficiency.
      • Cast range is afflicted by Ability Range.
      • Scarab Armor cost is not affected by mods.
      • Scarab Swarm can non be launched if Scarab Armor value is below 25%.
      • Scarab Swarm is launched near the end of the casting animation, giving the role player time to suit the trajectory earlier the blitheness ends.
      • Launching a Scarab Swarm on an enemy that is still nether the furnishings of another Scarab Swarm, volition not refresh the debuff.
      • Scarab Swarm's projectile possesses innate dial through but does non bypass obstacles in the environment.
    • Once launched toward the targeted enemy, Scarab Swarm infests all enemies in its path on contact. Swarmed enemies volition flail in panic and receive 100 / 150 / 175 / 200 DmgCorrosiveSmall64.pngCorrosive damage per second for vi / 10 / 12 / fifteen seconds, during which they are completely disabled. Each swarm host generates an aura with a vi / 10 / 12 / 15 meter radius that converts the damage dealt by Scarab Swarm into health points for Inaros and his allies in range. Scarab Swarm can spread all of its furnishings to any unaffected enemies within a v meter radius from a swarm host for 100% of its remaining duration.
      • Harm and healing per second are affected past Ability Force.
      • Duration is affected by Ability Duration.
      • Healing radius is affected by Ability Range.
      • Affected allies includes all Warframes, Companions, Eidolon Lures, summoned allied units such as Specters, allied Invasion units, Hostages, Kavor Defectors, Sortie and Arbitrations Defense Operatives, and Defense Objects.
      • Spread radius and remaining elapsing per centum are non afflicted past mods.
    • Scarab Swarm cast animation of 1.25 seconds is affected by Mod TT 20px.pngNatural Talent and Mod TT 20px.pngSpeed Drift . Charging scarab armor or launching scarab attack while stationary will prevent motility, even so casting scarab attack while moving volition not interrupt movement.



    Primary article: Negation Swarm

    Negation Swarm is a Warframe Broaden Mod for InarosIcon272.pngInaros that allows ScarabSwarm130xDark.pngScarab Swarm to cake incoming Status Effects, draining a percentage of bonus Armor for every Status Result blocked.

    Rank Armor Consumption Cost
    0 6% six
    one 5% seven
    2 4% 8
    3 iii% ix

    Tips & Tricks

    • Information technology is more free energy efficient to cast a Scarab Swarm set on on a single enemy in the centre of a large, clustered group, and allowing the swarm spreading event to infect all nearby enemies. This is particularly effective against Infested that naturally tend to clump together in groups.
    • Players can get Scarab Swarm dispelled on purpose, such as by running into a Nullifier chimera, to instantly become up to 2,900 points of health dorsum.


    Strength Mods


    Duration Mods


    Range Mods


    DesiccationIcon.png DesiccationIcon.png DesiccationIcon.png
    DevourIcon.png DevourIcon.png DevourIcon.png
    SandstormIcon.png SandstormIcon.png SandstormIcon.png
    ScarabSwarmIcon.png ScarabSwarmIcon.png ScarabSwarmIcon.png


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